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Secure Actions Delphi Component 1.0

Secure Actions Delphi Component 1.0

Secure Actions Delphi Component Publisher's Description

Secure Actions is a simple to use Delphi component that adds user security to your Delphi applications.

Secure Actions allows you to easily add user security at program function level. By layering security on top of the versatile TActionList allows you to add user security with a minimum of effort.

Key Features

·          Simple to Use - Use Secure Actions as you would TActionList. Set a minimum security level for each Secure Action. Set the user level and your application is secured, all the way down to the control level!

·          Flexible User Level Handling - Simple events allow you to control ?getting? at user level. Be it a file read, a DB lookup or call a security service.

·          No Data Base - Many user security applications require BDE and database connections. We impose no such requirement.

·          Secure at the window control level - With Secure Actions your application is secured at a very precise level, each user function and the corresponding controls are secured.

·          No user login required - Secure Actions get the windows login ID by default. You users do not have to login to your application (unless you want!).

·          Warnings - Secure Actions can warn of unsecured actions and programs trying to enable security disabled actions.

·          Help and Demo Application - download includes a component help and a commented demo application to get you going quickly.

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